Since we got back from Texas... a trip that I have yet to blog about... Payton has been a pain to get to bed & stay in bed. She dosen't always like to be held to go to sleep & so I've had to lay with her & that is not comfortable in a toddler bed. Adult + Toddler Bed + Toddler = Adult hanging 1/2 way off the bed. Also she's been waking up & will usually go right back to bed if we are in there with her. So after a few nights in a row of sleeping in her toddler bed with her & my back aching like never before, we decided that we needed to adapt. We are borrowing a twin mattress from my parents for a while & here is what happened the first night.

This is how we found her when we went to go change her diaper. Yes I think that she fell asleep praying too! :)
Dr.'s Appointment -
Also staying with the difficult theme she had a Dr.'s appointment this morning. She would not let Dr. Burke touch her!! She completely broke down in the waiting area. We were in front of the fish tank which I thought would give her something to be distracted by but as soon as Dr. Burke came close it didn't make a difference. So all we were able to accomplish was to get her O2 sats, which were 80/81, which I actually did myself. Dr. Burke said that it was okay that we didn't get a look today (an echo on her heart) but that next time, in October, we would need to get it done. Of coarse if I feel like she needs to be seen earlier than that I will take her in.
Her next surgery will be sometime in the first 6 months of next year. We've been talking about mid April but we'll see. We'll be keeping a close eye on her & see what happens. I'm so glad that she is doing so well & that Dr. Burke gave her a pass today... or should I say gave me a break today, I was prepared to battle with her.
Dr.'s Appointment -
Also staying with the difficult theme she had a Dr.'s appointment this morning. She would not let Dr. Burke touch her!! She completely broke down in the waiting area. We were in front of the fish tank which I thought would give her something to be distracted by but as soon as Dr. Burke came close it didn't make a difference. So all we were able to accomplish was to get her O2 sats, which were 80/81, which I actually did myself. Dr. Burke said that it was okay that we didn't get a look today (an echo on her heart) but that next time, in October, we would need to get it done. Of coarse if I feel like she needs to be seen earlier than that I will take her in.
Her next surgery will be sometime in the first 6 months of next year. We've been talking about mid April but we'll see. We'll be keeping a close eye on her & see what happens. I'm so glad that she is doing so well & that Dr. Burke gave her a pass today... or should I say gave me a break today, I was prepared to battle with her.