Katie's Blessing

Friday, July 30, 2010

Katie was blessed May 30th... I have to admit that I had to go to my sister-in-laws blog to figure out the date, thanks Jamie for posting about it so I could remember the date! :)
Katie wore the same dress as Payton. Grandma Church made her this blanket which arrived just in time to use it! Jane it is beautiful! (And sorry these pictures took so long to make it on here!)
I made Katie a little keepsake bracelet with her birthstone, Emerald.
Payton loves her little sister & she couldn't believe that she wore the same dress herself.

I just had to include this one. I get this face a lot from her & it cracks me up!
We ended up getting dressed up again later that day for the picture. I think it's so cute that both girls have a similar expression, yeah your parents are crazy, get over it!
The one below is a typical dad shot, oh let me just watch her while she cries! I know he does it on purpose so that I will take her away & take care of her. He thinks he's so sneaky.

Katie seems to love to sleep on her bobby, it's just hard to get her down without waking her up. But when I did she was able to sleep for a long time.
But by far she loves it when someone will hold her.
And maybe even sleep with her.