Donald Got Into CORNELL!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Donald just came in & told me that I should probably explain why we have moved since we've only talked about it on Facebook so far. We are now living in Ithaca NY. Donald got accepted into their 2 year MBA program & he is so excited to get started. We found out in February but could spill the beans until near the very end... & by that time my computer was already on the truck coming out here.

So I'm no longer managing apartments which is a nice change especially because I was having a really hard time figuring out the best way to do it with a baby around.

So our place was crazy for a bit while Donald packed us up... have I ever meantioned how wonderful he is. I think I only have to pack 5 boxes & that was my fabric so it was really REALLY easy. The movers picked up our stuff the Monday after 7/4 & we cleaned up the next day with the help of some Young Men & some friends from our ward. We stayed with my mom for 3 weeks which was so much fun!

So we are here & still getting settled. Donald starts his month long of orientation on Monday so time is passing by fast because there are still a lot of things we want to get done before then & well not enough time to do it. But I just want to say how proud I am of Donald & the hard work he has done that has made it possible for him to be able to be accepted. I don't want this to sound bad in any way but I had no idea he had it in him & I hope to be able to give him the support he needs to do well over the next 2 years. So here we go with another adventure!!!
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Jean said...

Yay for Donald and the whole family!!! It will be a great adventure!

Joanne said...

I had so much fun looking at all of the posts. I'm excited for Donald! You have such a cute family.

JaNae said...

Adventures are what life seems all about at times. Congrats Donald and good luck to all 4 of you in this chapter of your lives.