For church I have been giving Payton pigtails on the top of her head. They come out right afterward & then she is off to bed. I'm not sure which is cuter, the pigtails at church or the aftermath after her nap.Payton in a dress that used to be mine. It is probably meant for a 6 to 9 month old but I had to have her wear it at least once. And since it was only once, it needed to be documented.
Crazy Hair
Monday, February 26, 2007
Posted by Jenn at 9:35 PM 1 comments
She's a Climber
Friday, February 23, 2007
In the last week or so Payton has started climbing over things & not just around them. If it's in her way she pushes it out of the way then will climb over it if it doesn't move when before she would just go around or give up & find something else to do. In the process of climbing over things (like us if we are using our
bodies as a barrier for example) she has figured out that they can be used as a stepping stool to get to higher things like the couch & bookshelf. Until today it seemed that she would just stumble onto these opportunities, however I think she has figured it out. She pushed a box over to the couch & climbed up.
Yes TROUBLE!!! We are in trouble. So we will be child proofing again. The first round of child proofing happened when she started rolling & then again when she started crawling (this was the biggest one) & now here we go again. This one will be pretty easy because it's just a matter of keeping the boxes from being accessible. But also we now can't the put things we don't want her to have just out of her reach because she's figured out how to get to them.
This next set of pictures where the shockers for me. I was working on the previous post & I turned around to find this!!!
She loves books so I can understand why she would want to pull them down but I was not ready to see this. My mouth dropped open & she didn't acknowledge that I caught her, which she usually does. When she does acknowledge that I have caught her it doesn't stop her but she will smile & of coarse laugh. Then I pulled out the camera & even while taking the pictures she was VERY focused. This is a child that from birth would pose for the camera so I knew that she was probably a little nervous herself by what she was doing.
So I pulled her down & spread out the books & went back to finishing up the post. I noticed she got quite again & she was up there again! I took that box away & she crawled right over to another box & pushed it to the couch & took the pictures at the beginning of this post. Yes trouble would be the word for it.
Posted by Jenn at 11:52 AM 1 comments
It's Bath Time!!!
Bath time is Payton's favorite time. Just before this picture she was in the front room throwing a fit, it was close to bed time. So Donald got her undressed & I started the bath. We have to time it right because if I start the water before she is down to her diaper she will squirm & try to get away from Donald to make the mad dash down the hall.

And then she will see herself in the mirror & she's happy again! No my daughter is not vain!

Posted by Jenn at 10:50 AM 3 comments
Mommy's little helper
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Yes Payton loves to be where I am helping me. If I'm in the kitchen she's in the kitchen helping me by going thru cabinets. She is just starting to get interested in what's actually inside but I think right now it's more about just opening & closing the door. She also loves to sort papers. She will pick each one up up individually & either put it behind her on her left or right. When that pile is done she will turn around & re-sort one of the other piles that she made. She will go until one of us acknowledges what she is doing, then it's on to something else. She's going thru our shred box. She was doing it for about 10 minutes before I took this picture & as soon as I did she was done & crawled away. Was she thinking that she was getting away with something? And now that she was caught she didn't want to do it anymore?

Posted by Jenn at 11:35 AM 3 comments
We have arrived!!!
I have decided that I am terrible about keeping in touch. So this is the next best thing. I know that I have carepages but I don't want to use it for the every day things that go on in this crazy house. Payton is coming into her own & I love sharing the new things that she is doing.
So be sure to stop by every now & then to see how we are doing.
Posted by Jenn at 10:04 AM 0 comments