I <3 Shaklee
Monday, June 30, 2008
So I bought their H2 concentrate which comes with 3 spray bottles & the concentration is SO low. I'm just glad because now I have a little helper that can help me clean the windows & mirrors & I don't have to worry about fumes.
Posted by Jenn at 8:06 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 29, 2008
A while ago we were able to go to Disneyland. One of my tenants works for Disney & was able to get us in. Yes sometimes my job has it's perks... actually this might be the only one so far... in 2 years. Anyways that's a soap box that I don't need to get on.
First we went on Indiana Jones (Payton didn't go obviously) but we did the stroller pass. We went up to the Fast Pass entrance & they gave me a pass that allowed two people to enter the Fast Pass line who waited with the ineligible rider. Then when Donald, Christine & Andy came back Christine & I went & basically waited 10 minutes to get on. I'd never heard of it before so it was pretty cool for the 1 ride that we went on that she couldn't go on. Below is Payton waiting for Donald to get off the ride at that lake by Pirates of the Caribbean. She loved the ducks & there were some baby ones too. Isn't Disneyland wonderful!The next ride we went on was Pirates of the Caribbean... Payton took it pretty well... I covered her ears but still she was tense the whole time. I don't think we will try it again for a while but since we hardly ever go I don't think that will be a problem. I did feel bad once I saw the look on her face... See her hand how it's holding on to me... Dad I know, I know! :(
We headed over to see our friend Pooh Bear. She loves him & seemed to recover from our bad mistake! I took her on the Pooh Bear Ride while Donald went on Splash Mountain. That went a lot better.
We decided to get our profiles done. It turned out great! Well at least Payton's is cute, ours I'm not too thrilled with but at least hers was cute. They were so good & I'm glad that Payton cooperated, for the most part. We had to get a little creative toward the end as you can see.
Yeah it's kind of embarrassing siting there while the whole park walks by & stares at you. Hi! Yes I am sitting here for your enjoyment... just watch where you are walking. Someone almost tripped while I was sitting there. I was good, I didn't even laugh... on the outside!
The passes we got turned out to be park hopper passes so we went over to check out California Adventure. Payton thoroughly enjoyed this park. We saw Sully from Monsters Inc & also saw Mickey. We went on the Monsters Inc ride that she enjoyed & didn't hold onto me like she did in the other rides.
Notice her relaxed demeanor in the picture below... A big contrast to the one from Pirates! See Dad I can make good decisions... sometime!
We also went to see Mickey Mouse Playhouse Live Show & I thought she would love it because she loves the show... NOPE!!! We were in the front & she only stopped squirming to get away when Mickey popped up right in front of us but I think it was too loud or it was too far past her nap time. I thought it was cool & next time, if the show is still going, we will go there first!
After the Live Show we left, made a bee line for the exit & this is what we found while waiting for the tram back to the car. (It's about 10 minutes, maybe less.)
In the car we propped her head with the baby Pooh Bear that this spoiled little girl's daddy bought for her. She slept the whole way home which was perfect because she was still tired when it was time for bed.
I'm back & hope to catch up on posting. Coming up to a busy week I don't have high hopes but I'll give it a try.
Posted by Jenn at 10:42 PM 2 comments
A cry for help...
Friday, June 20, 2008
I am moving apartments tomorrow morning & need help.
If you are in the Pasadena Area & have even just a 1/2 hour Saturday morning I would love your help. We are moving to a downstairs apartment & have furniture & boxes to move. We have a huge patio with shade & will have water toys for kids to play with... so bring them too. For the address & other info email me!
We will be starting around 10am & plan to order pizza. If it's better for you to come tonight we'll be working tonight too so just either give me a call or send me an email.
Hope to see you soon!!!
Posted by Jenn at 9:53 AM 5 comments
Been Busy...
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
So I've been super busy lately. We just got back from a week in Texas, which was awesome! Now that we are back we are preparing to move apartments to the one downstairs. We are painting downstairs right now & I'm excited to be able to exist in a non-white apartment! It has pretty much the same set up but the patio is ginormous so that should explain the move. I'm exhausted, stress & am looking for help to move on Saturday. Any takers?
I hope to have some free time soon to post some pics. I am so behind on posting... sorry Grandparents!!!
Wish us luck!!!
Posted by Jenn at 8:03 AM 0 comments
When I grow up...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
When I grow up I want to be a CHEERLEADER!!! I can smile real big & on cue (it helps if there are cameras... there will be cameras right?)We're number 1! or is that 2 but I mean 1... I promise I'll work on that a little more.
Not only do I look comfortable on guys shoulders & I am cute while doing it...
My dismounts need a little work but I willing to learn!
I promise I won't distract the football players during the game! I can't promise they won't look at me though...
My balance is pretty incredible for someone my age...
Oh please please, pretty please. I'm ready right now...
But just in case YOU aren't ready for ME, I'll keep working hard & later you won't be able to resist me!
Posted by Jenn at 7:42 PM 2 comments