Owey Time...

Friday, June 5, 2009

So Payton got an infected hangnail (we think) & we didn't see it until it was an absess that went down the side of her finger nail & a little under the nail as well. She was such a trooper at the pediatricians, not saying she didn't cry, or make the Dr. & nurse laugh will they were trying to work, but she did really well. After the Dr. opened it up, which she didn't feel because she was more upset that we were holding her hand & arm so straight, the Dr. said that it was time to get the owey out. Payton said thru tears & gaspes for air "No get the owey out, it's not an owey anymore, I like my owey!" So now after 10 days of antiboitics (which was a battle every time!) & changing her bandaid w/ cleaning it twice a day she is all healed.
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