Marching to her own drummer...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Payton likes to change what she's wearing at least once every day... actually it's a good day when she only changes once... that would be more accurate. Sometimes the outfits she puts together just have to be documented.
So we have a Winnie the Pooh Jumper w/ matching pink shirt. A flower summer dress that is a jumper as well but she wanted to wear it like a skirt instead. & my tennis shoes. She was very proud of herself & kept saying that she could find something beautiful for me to wear. Yeah with my expanding waist there's not much that fits me so I told her she could help choose what the baby will wear every day & you would have thought she won the lottery.
I just love her personality, now if only she were more coordinated so that she didn't fall & hit the side of the wall while trying to walk/dance/ice skate/whatever it was, while wearing my shoes. Yep that's what happened right after this picture was taken.
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