Finishing projects...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some of you Pasadena Ward ladies may recognized this... better late than never right? How long has it been? 2 years or just 1... oh well it doesn't matter.
Payton wanted to help so I let her rub it before I started to pull off the backing paper. I was expecting it to be a lot harder than it was mainly because of how long I had waited but it was farely easy.
My favorite thing about these pictures & I didn't even realize it until after I was looking at the pictures on the computer, was that she is dressed up as Cinderella. I have yet to get it actually hung up in her room but now that she's in school I've been able to tackle more projects so it's on the short list.
I don't know if it's just me but she looks so much older in the picture! My baby... :( is growing up!
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Jane said...

Cute sign! That's perfect for Payton. She loves her Daddy so much.