It's cold inside...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

When it started cooling off outside I noticed that it was getting cold inside. It was drafty & the heat never ever kicked on. So we had them turn down the temp thershold (twice) to get the heat to kick on & had the re-seal the windows. Having the windows re-sealed made an amazing difference but it was still cold so we had them come back & adjust it again & that did the trick.
It wasn't cold enough to need hats but Payton decided that everyone, including her babies, needed to bundle up. Katie actually kept this hat on for several hours... of coarse she won't do it now that it's really cold but I never really expected her to anyway, but I can always hope.
Katie is so good to allow Payton to play with her like this. I don't know if it show patience, love or she just realizes that it's part of her lot in life... either way I'm proud of her.
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