Donald & Payton went out to get the snow off of the car & I came down to find that I had a friend waiting to come with me to the store. Payton thought it was so funny!

Payton wised up really quick but the first few times Donald was able to get her by shaking a tree she was standing underneath.

When I came how I found another friend waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

So Donald had to go back to school & Payton still had snowmen on the mind so I went out & we made a big one.

I do have to admit that the ones that Donald made were cuter but these are real snowmen!

Katie came out with us in her little cocoon but her face did get a little red from the cold. As you can see it wasn't too cold for smiles!

She just loved being outside & watching Payton & I roll these snow balls around.

Just another cute shot of a really cute baby!

Payton came in & cozied up on the couch. Can you see how red her ears are? After this it got a little cold to take Katie out so I was glad we got to do this. The snowmen stayed for several weeks before they got knocked down.

Now Payton gets her snow play out of her system at school. They sled & build snow forts, but mostly just sled. She absolutely loves it. The only thing that was on her list to do was to go ice skating... I'm thinking we'll do it next year when Katie is older & Donald will be able to come with us.
Cute, Cute!! What adorable little girls you have. Are you still having fun in the snow, or are you ready for spring? Thanks so much for the new posts. Love it!
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