What do you use your laundry basket for?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

As soon as Katie started to sit up on her own this is where we put her. Think about it... she can throw her toys & it most likely won't go anywhere out of her reach. Don't have to worry about her falling back & hitting her head. And most importantly she can't roll anywhere so you can leave the room without worrying she's getting into trouble. We did have to make sure it was up against a couch so that she tip the whole thing over when she got excited & starting rocking back against it. It was perfect!
Payton loves to hold her sister, & Katie is starting to realize that Payton can be fun.
In the beginning Katie loved to be held by her sister, now that she's a little more mobile... yeah not so much.
They are becoming such good friends. I just love watching them interact.
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