It was raining almost the entire time drive down to Delaware & while we were there but that didn't spoil our visit. We were able to relax & hang out, the perfect way to break up our car trip! I guess we didn't pull out our camera because we didn't go anywhere. Oh well!

There was a short break in the weather so Jamie & I took the girls outside for a wagon ride. I started out pulling but Payton decided she would have more fun doing it.

And from Katie's face she was having a better time because Payton was running. We were all running to get out of the rain. I think that was Katie's favorite part.

The next day we drove 9 hours to get to Charlotte South Carolina to stay 1 day with Donald's brothers. Donald drove the whole way.

Payton talked most of the way, the only silence we got was when she slept & that was only if we gave her Dramamine & that was only when she refused to wear her 'car bracelets'.

We very quickly figured out that if the girls couldn't see each other they left each other alone to sleep. So most of the trip we had blankets up on the windows & in between them.

I included this shot to give you an idea of how incredibly full our car was. And no we could have fit 1 more thing in the car. Yes we have purchased things that will need to come home with us... No I do not know how we are going to get everything home. Donald has proven himself a capable packer so I'm sure he'll figure it out... at least I'm pretty sure! :)
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