We were able to stay a full day in South Carolina with Donald brothers. The girls had SO much fun. Donald, Allan & Craig took Payton to the park where she got to throw a frisbee to Belle.

Here she is...

So I already knew we were getting a dog once we get into a house after school but now Payton says that she wants a dog just like Belle. She told me "I don't think Uncle Allan & Aunt Allison will want to give her to me so we will just have to find another one just like her." We've got a long time to talk about it but she's pretty much decided that is going to be how it is.

Payton loves to swing too.

Payton loves being outside & if only it weren't so hot that day they probably would have stayed longer.

Below was by far Payton's favorite part.

She loved that she could hold Belle on a leash.

Apparently even though Belle was suppose to be the one running up & down the hill, Payton did a lot of running herself.

In the end both Belle & Payton were tired. Belle came back & passed out & Payton came home red faced, ready for water & a little down time.

Katie was just a good girl. She actually went to Allan & Allison, which up until about a month before she was strictly a mama's girl. What a pleasant surprise to have someone else around that Katie would go to other than Donald & I.

I love this face. It's so funny because she doesn't have any teeth.

We had a good visit & the next day we drove the 5 1/2 hours to Jacksonville. Not a terribly long drive but at the end of a long trip even 1 hour is too much. We arrived & found that the place we will be staying in is very nice & it will be perfect for the summer.
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