Day 1- The Surgery Has Begun

Monday, December 8, 2008

It has finally begun.

At 1:00pm they took them up the staging area to prep Payton for surgery. Then they had to wait for the OK from Dr. Starnes to give her a “drink” to prepare for the anesthesia. She was supposed to go into surgery within an hour of taking the “drink”, but there was a code blue in the CTICU (Cardio Thoracic Intensive Care Unit) which Dr. Starnes had to tend to before starting Payton’s surgery. Right before they took her to surgery Payton had pulled the blanket over her head and was waving to Jennifer saying “Nigh, nigh Mommy,” she was finally giving into the "relaxing drink." :)

They should receive their first update in an hour and a half. Then when the surgery is over Dr. Starnes will come and talk to Jennifer and Donald. Then they’ll have to wait 30-45 minutes for them to “set her up” in the CTICU before Jennifer and Donald will be able to see her.

Aunt Melissa


Knight knughts said...

Melissa you are such a wonderful supporting sister. I have never met you but you are awesome. Thanks for posting and keeping us updated on Payton sweetness.