Marine + Tomboy = Girly Girl?

Friday, March 6, 2009

So anyone who knew me growing up knows that I was a tomboy. I didn't wear bows, skirts or necklaces unless there was a shark tooth on it. So I just have one question for you... Where did this girl come from? & How was I a part of making her?
I don't know how it happened but I have to admit something that my younger self never would have... I LOVE IT!!!
I love the bows... I love the necklaces... I love the bracelets... I love how she holds her purse... I love the squealing & the giggling, the dancing & the singing...
i love it, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT!
What I love about it the most is that Payton loves it too. There is a huge key to her wanting to wear something that I have recently figured out... she has to choose it. So what I'm telling you is that she is also opinionated & stubborn... now those traits I know & those she got from me. So there IS more than just a physical resemblance.
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Megan said...

She is so adorable!

I just found out some friends of ours delivered their baby with the same type of heart as Payton. I've left your blog address with them. Theirs is:

Jon's been a longtime friend of the Hall clan.


Gary Church said...

These pictures are adorable but they make me sad ... she is growing up so fast! She looks like a big girl in these pictures!!!

Lisa and Dan said...

She's so pretty! I can't wait to see you all again. She'll be so big the next time we see her.