This year we put our Christmas Tree before Thanksgiving. We were going to Boston for Thanksgiving & we needed something to help count down the days till we got to see Chloe & this was perfect.

Payton loved decorating the tree. We have A LOT of ornaments & I loved being about to tell her about each one. The one she's holding above we got from Payton's Cardiologist in CA & the one below she received from her Papaw Don for her 1st Christmas.

Katie was happy to participate too. Once she figured out that the bell made noises she whacked herself in the head several times before we just had to take it away.

Daddy was home for the event so he helped too.

At this point Katie was still just rolling so every time she was on the floor in the living room she ended up under the tree.

There were some low hanging fruit that she was so excited & determined to get.

This one Santa in particular.

She tried from every position.

Just after these pictures she actually got a hold of it & almost pulled the tree down (it's a cheap tree).

Below is what happened after I took it away from her & moved it up higher. Life is hard!