Princesses at Church

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Payton was given this dress by a member of our last ward & this was the first day she wore it. Once Payton was dressed she announced that "the people at church will be so surprised to see a Princess at church with them!" Payton then told me that I could take pictures of her if I wanted to, basically 'Mom take a picture'. For the one below I told her to pose & smile really pretty & this is what I got.
Katie is usually very good for church but it is in our best interest to get her straight home & to bed. This usually means she naps in her church clothes.
She went thru a phase where her face had to be covered while she slept. It drove me crazy because I always needed to go in & make sure there was room for fresh air... I included the one below so you wouldn't think I let my child smother herself.