4th of July

Sunday, July 8, 2007

I hope that everyone had a great 4th! Melissa came up & we all had such a good time. I love this picture, check out Casey's face. Ah the things that the younger brother has to put up with.Now there's a cute family! Minus Tyler who is studying his tail off for the Bar.
Payton is getting used to the pool again. (I'll explain later!)
Of course she is well protected from the sun. We've actually been having her swim in just her rash guard & swim diaper.
For the fireworks we went with our neighbor who works for a neighboring city & we got to watch some fireworks from up in the mountains. It was perfect, they were far enough away so that the noise didn't bother Payton but we were still close enough where she could see the fireworks perfectly. It was fun, well all except for the little bit of off roading in my non-off roading car to be able to get there. There were about 30 people there & I hope to be able to go back to the same spot again next year.