Should have said 'no' to the first one....

Monday, February 4, 2008

Payton loves to sort & stack things as you've seen in other posts. She will go back & forth pulling out more & more bottles & if she can convince you to take one bottle you will end up with 10, 15 before you realize you should have said no to the 1st. Really it's not that bad but it's funny because she will give you a certain amount & then take them back or hand them to another person. She doesn't want to leave anyone out of the fun. Luckily my mom's table is just her height... I can still remember when she could walk under the table without hitting her head. My baby is not a baby anymore! :(
And there is her stash. So you can see that the supply is 'endless'. I wouldn't be surprised if every time she pulled them out she pulled out the same number of them. She can be a little OCD at times.
Also that same night she surprised me by walking around the corner with this banana.
This from the same girl that when I gave it to her the first time she gagged until I removed it from her mouth with my finger. And because I believe that you have to introduce something to a child at least a few times to see if they like it (not because I like to see the reaction or anything... com'on that was be terrible!) she hasn't even put it in her mouth (willfully) ever before in her life.
Up until this night I thought that she didn't like the texture. We gave her dried banana chips that she loves so maybe she recognized the taste & didn't mind the texture.
She is always so proud of herself when she does big girl things.