Payton came home with a lot of things taped up but I didn't have the heart to take any off the day we got home because she wasn't feeling all that well. She wore a long sleeve shirt home from the hospital & that night to bed so she didn't know any better. I even asked her that night to show me her owies & she looked at her knees & couldn't find any. 'No Owies Momma'
Above was Payton the next morning. I took her up to my mom's to visit but also to get help to remove the things on her arm. There are 2 things by her wrist, 1 is the hospital bracelet & the other closest to her hand was where the IV was. She was not happy when I was taking it off. I even got some adhesive remover pads from the hospital & those didn't help... or at least they didn't stop the tears & looks of 'why are you doing this to me'. The orange strip above my mom's finger was from the betadine wash. She had it all over her body & came off with her first bath. You can also see some red marks on her right leg that is from adhesive of some kind. The red marks stayed thru Thursday (the cath was Wednesday). So it took a couple of tries to get access in her arm. There were quite a few pokes but not bad. About 30 minutes after we took it off I asked Payton if she had any oweys & she extended her arm, pushed her bottom lip out & said 'Owey!'
Thursday we tried to take off the one on her neck but that didn't go very well so we left it alone. The next morning it was partially off so I decided to just take it off. I didn't give her any warning. I felt terrible but it was over before she realized what I was doing. Yes she was mad but it was off & she got over it when I told her she could throw it away. There was some bruising really not all that bad they were able to get access the first try. I don't know if you can tell but the part that looks the worse is from the tape.
Her groin, again looks pretty good. Only one poke there as well. The glue residue is dark because I put jeans on her the day after I took off the bandage. We were suppose to take off the pressure dressing the day before & then put on a bandade but I decided to wait & do it in the bath. It was not an easy thing. I tried to work it off a slowly but the 2nd time Payton told me 'NO MAMA, NO MO OWEY!', yelled it to me is a little more accurate. So I explained that it had to come off & it would be better if I pulled it off really fast. She completely understood because she started crying, holding her leg & saying no. So she really didn't like that idea either but I wasn't going to make her wait. So with one smooth pull it was off & she was pissed! The worst was the look that she gave me. So I got a big wet hug from her & held her till she stopped crying.
Now she is completley over it. We go into to see Dr. Adhoot this afternoon so that he can check to see if everything is healing properly. Hopefully we will find out when the surgery will be but we'll see. If I get any new info I'll post it. Thanks for all of your support & prayers.
Poor baby! Such an abruised child. Hugs to you both! :)
Aww, look at all those owies! I can't believe she's so mellow about all of it (except the bandage removal, of course!). She's a great kid. Keep the updates comin'!
I told you that is the worst part huh? Those bandages are AWFUL!! I'm sorry the remover stuff didn't help. Man. JAck had those two pressure wounds on his inner thighs and I seriously think he will have a complex when he is older from me tearing them off. Poor thing. At least Payton looks happy and made it through recovery. Keep us posted on surgery. I'm going to start a campaign for "Drugs for Bandage Removal".
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