Taughannock Falls...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Remember that teaser... well here is the rest only 2 or 3 months later. :)
The one thing I loved about this trip is that we were able to get quite a few really good shots of the kids & one of the whole family (not the one above, it's below)
Katie & Payton were both being very cooperative that day.
I love the one below. Payton is always snuggling up to her daddy & it's just the perfect shot.
The one below really turned out well.
Usually Payton is not this cooperative... so I had to take advantage. I just wish I didn't let her get herself dressed that day. It's one of my least favorite shirts, oh well.
The best shots of Katie are when she is smiling at her sister. I don't get smiles that big from her... Actually that's not true. My best smiles are when I go in to get her from her naps. Now those are really good.
We ended the morning with a picnic & it was really pretty. We will definitely be going back in the summer.
Here Payton is trying to figure out how she can convince someone to take her out on their boat.
And we can't go anywhere without bringing home a souvenir of some kind. This day it was a rock.