Spaghetti Bath

Sunday, May 20, 2007

For a while now I have been trying to find new things that Payton will eat, even if it is messy. Yes spaghetti isn't one of those trial foods but the type of noodle is. One goal in introducing new foods to her is to up her fiber intake. So I gave her the whole wheat noodles & she couldn't tell the difference. I think she's just like her mom in that if the sauce is good the noodles don't really mater all that much!We have found that it is just so much easier to strip her down before eating. It saves her shirts from stains too, which is a huge plus!
Then of coarse it's straight to the bath. This is her time with her Daddy! It's Donald's 'job' to bathe her, while I get her meds, bottle & pajamas together.
Her favorite new thing is to kick while sitting up.
I know that there are 2 videos that are basically the same thing but the first one shows her talking & looking down her nose (which is something that she has always done & is just one of the things that makes Payton Payton!)

In the beginning of this video Donald pours a cup of water over her head & it drives me crazy! Her reaction to this has gotten a little better but you can still see her react.


Gary Church said...

I saw an entire 3 minutes of "dadadadaddada"....where is the love?! No "mamamamama"?? There is no justice in this world. lol. Ryan does the same thing.