We went to go get sushi at this place in Pasadena with a friend of Donald's, Elane we need to get together again soon! So we had finished & we were waiting for our check & I was grasping at straws to find something to keep her busy. After trying a few things a napkin turned out to be the best entertainment for her & for us.
Our strong girl, can also fake being strong.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Posted by Jenn at 9:10 AM 2 comments
Does it ever feel like you have a monkey on your back?
Monday, October 22, 2007
I bought Payton a harness & wanted to be sure that she would wear it before I attached the leash & 'restricted' her ability to roam. Well turns out that she LOVES it! I pulled it out & put it on Payton & she wore it the first day for almost 2 hours.
The next day she wanted it on first thing so I put it on her. We then had to go so she wore it down to the car & didn't want to take it off. I had to take it off to put her in her car seat so instead I just gave it to her & she held onto it until we got to my mom's. As soon as I got her out she wanted it on.
She is so funny. She just cracks me up! I love her little personality, if only she minded a little better she'd be even more perfect... oh yeah talking would be nice too.
Posted by Jenn at 11:09 AM 4 comments
Friday, October 19, 2007
Payton has turned a corner as far as being careful is concerned. Her new favorite thing is to 'ride' the ball. We have to watch her carefully because, like any other kid, she has no concept of danger around her like a wall, chair legs, etc.
Posted by Jenn at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Another attempt... w/ success
I think that we have found that with kids you just have to keep trying for that picture were they all look good. The last 'group' photo that we tried to do Payton ended up being cropped out because not only was she an 'unwilling participant' but she LOOKED the part too.So these turned out a lot better than last time. I included the one below because it is such a good picture of Casey.
These ones turned out better of the kids but the lighting was off. :(
At least Payton was a little more cooperative this time.
Posted by Jenn at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Let's Wrestle
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Payton & Ryan have been able to spend a lot of time together in the last couple of weeks & are really starting to play well together (in other words Payton will play with Ryan, Ryan has wanted to play with Payton for a while now). This is such a cute picture of them.This was taken while Donald was spinning them. So cute!
This was the next spin around.
In the pictures below Donald is helping them 'wrestle'.
It is so cute to see them play together. They also get so excited when they see each other. I think Ryan is Payton's first friend! What a cute thought.
Posted by Jenn at 8:47 AM 2 comments
Halloween Preview...
Monday, October 15, 2007
Payton is going to be a Monkey, Ryan is going to be a Lion & Casey is going to be an elephant. The parents are all going to be zoo keepers. Ryan is roaring! So cute!!!
Posted by Jenn at 9:37 AM 5 comments
Ward Campout...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Our ward had a camp out a few weeks ago that was so much fun. We didn't actually stay the night but because I am Ward Activities Chair I felt like I had to be there & I'm glad I was. We had so much fun. And of coarse I never go anywhere without my camera so there were lots of picture moments.
There was a 'lake' & we went out on boats. Of coarse there was no leisurely drifting going on. Bishop McAlister (on the far right in the pic below) thought it would be good to have races.
I love Bishop's face in this picture.
Ready, set, RACE!!!
Donald was the first mate & Beth was the caption or actually pirate, as she called herself.
We did a lot of walking so Payton spent a lot of time on Donald's shoulders. See how she is using his ears as handles!
I love her face in this one.
There was also BB Guns & Archery.
Payton had a fun time just walking around & 'jumping' off of things. She was doing this for about 10 minutes before I started recording.
Donald saw her jumping off of the utility hole thingy & decided that she should try something a little higher.As you can tell from her expression that she had a great time.
Donald then announced that she could jump off of the stairs by herself & insisted that I leave her alone to let her try & here's what happened..... I love being right, I said that she wouldn't do it.
At the end of the lake there was a spot where you could see a lot of fish & Payton spotted some.I think that Payton really enjoyed herself, but I think that she just loves being outside.
Posted by Jenn at 10:35 AM 2 comments
Payton found these Lipton Tea soda cans that we got from somewhere & just hadn't thrown them away yet. They were by the door to go out with the trash & she decided that they'd make a good toy. She got really good at stacking them & would look really proud not only when she stacked them but when she knocked them down too.
This is her 'oh no' but that was fun reaction.
I love the fact that her tongue is sticking out in this one.
She played with these until they were finally so beat up that one sprung a leak. The only reason that I caught it was because the broken one happened to be on top of the tower & when it hit the ground it sounded different.
We emptied the cans & threw them away. Our little trash digger ended up getting them out of trash & took them down the hall to play with them (so I wouldn't see). I only found her because she started giggling & I realized that I hadn't heard from her in a little while. Oh my trouble maker!
Here is a video of her playing with them before the can broke.
Posted by Jenn at 10:27 AM 1 comments
Just my size...
Friday, October 12, 2007
We've been trying to do the impossible... find a couch that we both like. On our search we went to a furniture store (the 3rd that day) & Payton would not leave the front of the store. I was in the back with a sales man & Donald came to the back without Payton. When I went up to get her (make her) come back I found this. She sat there for about 10 to 15 minutes. If it wasn't $140 I would have considered it. I was so glad that she found that so that we could have the time to rule out yet another couch that wouldn't work....
We are still looking so wish us luck. We will probably head out to a couple of stores this weekend so we'll see. Donald & I have both made adjustments to what we want & have compromised a little so we'll see if we have better luck...
Posted by Jenn at 9:31 AM 2 comments
Fun on the Farm
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Last week I saw this post on a friends blog & decided that it would be fun to go. Underwood Family Farms in Moorpark is only a 45 minute drive & was well worth it. During the week it is $3 to get in (under 2 free) & lots of free stuff to do. There are pony rides that you could pay for & other things that Payton didn't even know that she was missing. We bought some carrots & fed the animals. I wanted to start out with 2 bags ($1 each) & it worked out perfectly. Her favorite was these miniature horses that got really close.It was hard for me to take the pictures & not be right there when they would get so close to Payton. There were 2 horses in there, this one didn't stick his head thru so I felt more comfortable hanging back to take the pics.
She was so funny with the horses. The black one (that isn't in any pics) freaked her out at the end or else we probably would have been there longer.
Posted by Jenn at 8:43 AM 1 comments
Pumpkins, Pumpkins & MORE Pumpkins
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
When I first put Payton on these huge pumpkins she looked at me like I was crazy. But after sitting on top of one, she wanted to sit on top of them all. I think that she ended up sitting on about 8 or 9 before she was done.After sitting on the 1st 4 she was very still so I could leave her there to back up & take a picture.
They had several 'Pumpkin Patches'. This one was more like a pumpkin field. The pumpkins were way to expensive to buy, but they ended up being great props for pictures.
This patch was a little bit closer to being a real one. All of the pumpkins were already picked but at least there were plants around still, making it a little more authentic. Also in this particular patch there were really small pumpkins so Payton could carry the tiny ones.
Towards the end she stopped focusing on the pumpkins & started playing in the dirt.
As with all kids, I'm not sure what happened but it stopped being fun & she stopped being a willing participant. Look at this face she is giving me. LOL I love it! It made me laugh so hard when I saw it!
Posted by Jenn at 5:17 PM 4 comments
More fun in the sun...
Payton saw this tractor from across the way & made a bee-line for it. As soon as I put her up in the seat you could see the satisfaction. Apparently it was as good as she imagined it would be when she first spotted it.There were so many good picture spots.
There was a corn maze & she walked in....
... & then decided she didn't want any part of it. I love this picture... she looks so determined!
The first time we passed by this tire tunnel there were a lot of kids around. She was so excited that she could have it all to herself.
Posted by Jenn at 5:09 PM 2 comments