Conference Weekend... Time to finish things up!

Monday, April 7, 2008

I seem to work in spurts when it comes to my crafting. I finished quilting Casey's blanket last week & just had the binding to do. I have tried using the sewing machine to finish it off but it has come out messy so far. I made a table runner for my Grandma & did the binding with my machine & now I have to cut it off & try again (yes it was that bad!).

So what better time to work on the hand sewing part but during conference. I also find that I can remember more if I am doing something else at the same time (no that is not an excuse, it's strange but true!). While finishing it up Ryan decided that what I was doing was really interesting & decided to help.First I showed him that the end was sharp. After that he stopped grabbing at the needle & was very careful.
He was very good & very determined. Above he was pushing the needle thru & was very close to getting his & my hands stuck.
He really didn't require much help from me at all, I was there to make sure he didn't become a permanent part of the blanket.
Now that is a look of accomplishment if there ever was one.
It was really fun showing him & I can't wait till Payton shows interest in something that I'm doing to want to learn. Right now she just likes to be bossy & pull me around to 'enjoy' whatever she's doing! That's just as good... right?
Here is the end result & I love it! I layed it down on the floor & told Ryan "look at all the bugs on Casey's blanket!" He came running over & eyes scanning the whole thing. He was VERY disappointed to find that the bugs were the pattern on the blanket (in the green).
Here's the back.
Below is Casey, the happy recipient. Ryan asked me where his was. I told him that this was Casey's birthday blanket & that when Ryan's birthday comes he'll have a birthday blanket too. I'm not sure if he was trying to explain that Casey's birthday wasn't coming up or if his would be soon & he needed one quickly, but either way there was no misinterpreting that he was ready for his blanket. I've got a couple more that I want to finish before starting his but how could I not reward him for being such a big helper while sewing the binding. His wish is my command.


Gary Church said...

Dude. You. Are. The. Queen.

Anonymous said...

That look so cool!!!!
Maybe one day you can teach me how to quilt!!!! :) :)

Knight knughts said...

Looking good. When are you going to start selling? My girls need new bedding!!!!!

Lisa and Dan said...

I need to come visit you sometime so you can teach me how to do that (:

jaime said...

darling. all of it.

the quilt, the stories, the boys.

we need to come see you guys!

Mom and Dad said...

That's amazing, Jennifer!