I have updated my links to the right. I want to make sure that I've only listed people who want to be there. If you would like for me to remove your link just let me know.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Posted by Jenn at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Mrs. Bucket Head
I found this bucket at Micheals for $1. Actually I bought two in anticipation for our move downstairs when we have a bigger patio (it will be near the end of June). So she was carrying it around for a while & then I heard a bunch of giggles from her room. I was expecting a huge mess or something like that but found this instead.She was looking at herself in the mirror with the bucket on her head. I love the picture above because of her eyes.
The only part that would make me nervous is when she started running. Luckily she didn't run into any walls.
All I have to say is that I can't wait till she talks because I really want to know what she's thinking. She is always making me laugh & she is so quirky that I know she will entertain. Right now she does say Mom & when I enter the room she'll run up to me saying "Maaaaaaam". It doesn't sound sweet when she does it but I love it!
Posted by Jenn at 10:09 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Well there is no doubt that this is my daughter... I was making some fudge for a get together & she helped.
She helped to eat it that is.
It was 7:30pm & I didn't realize how much she had while I was getting her stuff together.
She has marshmallows in her hand & was popping them in her mouth. This was the only strange part because she has never like eating them by them selves. I guess too much chocolate can do that to a person... It wasn't me, the chocolate made me do it!
Posted by Jenn at 8:40 AM 1 comments
It's Done... well almost...
I sewed the last border (that we had fabric for) 30 minutes before we had to leave. I'm so happy that it is done! I've got a lot of extra little stars so I'll have to figure out what to do with them, but it'll be a little while before revisiting this design again.I'm abandoning this for a couple week because I have another one that I need to complete in 3 weeks. It's not as big as this so it shouldn't be a problem.
Posted by Jenn at 8:26 AM 2 comments
My latest project...
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Kristin, 18 yr old sister, asked me to help her with complete a project for Young Women. She had to learn a new skill & she chose sewing. She had to get at least 10 hours & there was no question that she would get that. She picked out her pattern & the fabric & we got started. She helped me sew quite a bit. Here are some progress pictures once we were more than half way thru.With 3 different blues & 4 different whites it is hard to get things to look random.
I am happy to say that the main part of the top quilt is done. We still have to add a couple pieces to the border. I'll post again with the final product that will include the borders on Sunday, it has to be done Sunday to show. There's nothing like a deadline to keep me up till 11:30p sewing.
The end is in sight!!!
Posted by Jenn at 12:02 AM 5 comments
Does a boo-boo hurt when you can't see it?
Friday, May 16, 2008
Does a boo-boo hurt when you can't see it? It depends on who you ask. If you ask Payton the answer is NO, out of site out of mind. Whenever she has a boo-boo she is fine as long as she can't see it. It can even still hurt her, like when she skinned her knee & I happened to touch it after she was bandaged up & put her pants back on, all she did was scowl at me & was fine. Then I lifted up her pant leg to check it & she started crying again.
So a week or two ago she got really bad pool toes & she's kind of a slow healer these days so she's had a band aid on for a while. She was fine until she got her shoe off & this is what she did.
Posted by Jenn at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Mommy's Little Helper
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
About a year & a half ago I bought this apron at CUW, a boutique that I go to twice a year. I recently bought a white skirt & whenever I wear it I also wear an apron & Payton has been getting a kick out of it (I'm usually not one to wear an apron). So she's been asking to put one on too. I was ready to make her one when I realized that I already had one. So I pulled it out & she wore it ALL DAY! She wore it to Grandma's house, the grocery store, to Coco's for dinner & to my cousins Eagle Court of Honor. I took it off of her for her nap & hung it so it was under my apron but she spotted it & wanted it on. Here is Payton being Grandma's helper & making finger jello.
She was so excited to be able to help.
Here she is helping to carry up some groceries.
And of coarse doing a little cleaning... By the way I love that Swiffers have the ability to shorten the handle. Payton loves pushing it around & thinks that it is great that it is just her size.
She is obsessed with our trash can. She loves to throw things away. If I don't watch her closely I will find lots of things in the trash can. Some of the things I have found in there is unopened mail, Donald's text book, my hands free head set (the day after I got it). She can also be helpful too... I was working with our plants & some of the leaves fell on the ground & she ran over & put it in the trash. I didn't ask her she just noticed it. Okay maybe not amazing to you but this was while she was watching TV & I was asking her (accompanied by clapping hands & whistling to get her attention) to pick up crayons, her books or something like that & was getting no response.
The only down side is that after sweeping the floor she goes right to the carpet leaving all of what she swept on the carpet. I guess I should just be grateful for the help.
Posted by Jenn at 9:56 AM 1 comments
Mothers Day Gift...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
For Mother's Day my sister & I gave my mom this. I just want to say that the boys were SO EASY. I got the idea from a blog that I frequent. It can be a little over the top but I've gotten some good ideas from there. http://blog.craftzine.com/So here are some before & after.
Ryan (above) & Casey (below) were so easy.
And finally... Payton's curls as cute as they are, were so difficult. I was able to find several examples of boy profiles, but none that had a girl with curly hair. The boys were done within 1 hour of beginning, Payton's took several tries & 3 days. SO here's what I came up with.
I'm okay with the end result. What is holding me back from trying again is cutting out the curls... that was a pain. I'm just glad it's done & that we were able to do something without spending a whole lot of money! Plus I think it's super cute!
Posted by Jenn at 9:11 AM 2 comments
Mrs. Sleepy Head
Saturday, May 10, 2008

So I put her in her chair & decided to get her to at least eat something... Hotdogs were the fastest thing I could think of.
I wasn't fast enough though.

At 10:30p she woke up from her 'nap' & didn't go back to sleep until, well the last time I looked at the clock was 3:30am. Donald had a midterm that morning so I pulled the cushions off of the couch & layed in the middle of the room while she played around me. It took me 3 days to recover!
Posted by Jenn at 5:48 PM 1 comments
Her first Shiner
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Payton got her first shiner. Friday I had to drive to the other side of LA, Culver City, to drop off the rents that I collected. On my way back I called Mom to check on Payton & to let her know that I was running late. Since I wasn't going to get there before she went down for her nap & Mom wasn't going to be there when she woke up, she said that she has something to explain about what happened to Payton's face... WHAT? So Payton & Mom were over at Nana's (my grandma's) & they were in her back yard watering (Payton's favorite thing to do). Payton was excited & running after Nana who was going to fill up the watering can. Payton likes to watch her feet when she runs & will occasionally run into things like walls, chairs, basically big stationary objects that tend to move right into her path. So this time it was a lawn mower, actually I could see how a lawn mower could be a hazard with it's thin, hard to see handle that protrudes out so dangerously like that.. ;) So she hit & fell & was really, really upset. They checked her over & assuming she hit her forehead were chalking up all the dramatics to her over dramatic personality.So they went to Costco & Nana looks down & notices the bruise. Needless to say that have repented & given the sympathy, as late as it was, that was deserved. Just kidding. They felt terrible but with children who find enjoyment in their feet while walking & sometimes running... what are you suppose to do?
Posted by Jenn at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
My dad has these awesome star-gazing binoculars that are rarely pulled out. It was definitely cool to watch the fire using them. Payton of coarse had to get in on the action too.Here I think that she is actually looking down. I think that she is posing for the picture here... what a good girl!
So when my dad spotted the fire he was cleaning out the jacuzzi. Every year near the beginning of the season it is drained & we use a pummis (sp) stone to file down any rough edges. Payton enjoyed being able to walk around the step, which is something that I loved to do when I was young. I would have been right there with her but hey man, it was cold!
She was being very careful!
Right after the picture below was taken she was walking in front of where there are 2 jets (you can actually see the ripples in the water in the left corner of the picture). While the pool is emptying/emptied there is a small flow of water that comes out. As she was walking by, trying to avoid it water (probably because it was cold) she fell in. Talk about living in slow motion!!! Dad almost immediately got her out. Payton of coarse was upset (VERY UPSET) & Mom took her into the house to get her in the bath.
After her bath she was better to the point that she was right back to the side of the pool helping to clean it. By then of coarse the water was already in but it didn't mater. I think we've got a little fish on our hands... well can you really call someone a fish if they don't swim yet? What would you call them?
Posted by Jenn at 12:08 AM 1 comments