Mrs. Bucket Head

Friday, May 23, 2008

I found this bucket at Micheals for $1. Actually I bought two in anticipation for our move downstairs when we have a bigger patio (it will be near the end of June). So she was carrying it around for a while & then I heard a bunch of giggles from her room. I was expecting a huge mess or something like that but found this instead.She was looking at herself in the mirror with the bucket on her head. I love the picture above because of her eyes.
The only part that would make me nervous is when she started running. Luckily she didn't run into any walls.
All I have to say is that I can't wait till she talks because I really want to know what she's thinking. She is always making me laugh & she is so quirky that I know she will entertain. Right now she does say Mom & when I enter the room she'll run up to me saying "Maaaaaaam". It doesn't sound sweet when she does it but I love it!


dana said...

Cute funny girl.
And great bucket! Believe it or not, I've been looking for one just like that and Target has not come through. I'll have to try Michael's.

Jean said...

Awww, she's so cute! I love how little kids find the most totally random ways to entertain themselves. :-P

Dan and Hilary said...

Oh that is AWESOME!!! Our kids are definitely related!:)