Coxsackie Virus

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Coxsackie Virus is what Payton has right now. It explains the high fever (which last night got up to 103.5) & if it's not gone by Saturday then we are to go back to the Pediatricians office. Oh joy!

I didn't ask if it was contagious & from the moment I realized it I have been having a kind of sore throat... If I could worry myself into catching something I think that I would have a full blown Coxsackie outbreak myself. I found an article that confirmed that it is highly contagious, Yippee!!

Payton only has had the high fever & is only sleepy now because of the Tylenol/Motrin regiment that we have her on. She's had no more nausea since yesterday morning. You wouldn't know she was sick by watching her play but the moment you touch her you can feel that she's warm.

So we are coming up to the 3rd day of fever, with only yesterday being a really high fever.... So if I don't get it then we should be past this by the end of the week.


Joanne said...

Poor little Payton. Fevers are the worst too, they make you feel so yucky. I hope she feels better too, and I hope you don't get the nasty virus.

Gary Church said...

My sister's kids had that ... it was bad. Hang in there! Poor Payton! Who's she been kissing? lol.