I love it when a plan comes together...

Monday, September 22, 2008

About 2 months ago, when I was last at IKEA, I got these mirrors. You've probably seen them before, they're cheap & popular. I hadn't decided what I wanted to do with them until last week. While in Utah I got the plaque below at the Quilted Bear & decided I wanted it on the wall in my living room. But having it on the wall by itself looked a little naked until I remembered the mirrors. So I stained them using the darkest stain I could find. It took 2 heavy coats & wha-la!
Yes some of them are crooked. I will be putting tape or something similar behind the crooked ones after I do a coat of spray on polyurethane. Yes I do love it when a plan comes together & the vision in my head matches the result!
Tangent... During this post I was remembering back to that show the A Team! I loved that show. I'm sure if I were to watch it now it would be pretty terrible so I'm not sure I would even watch it if it were on. I wouldn't want to taint my memory of it. With cigar in mouth... "I love it when a plan comes together."
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Mr. Mustachio said...

Props for quoting Hannibal. You are wrong about watching the A-Team now though. It is still as awesome as it was back in the days. I'll float Donald season 1 on Thursday night, if you want to give it a try.