I love to move things around & change things up every now & then. So yesterday my parents hijacked my elliptical for a while & I couldn't believe the space it freed up. We've been talking about rearranging the front room & now seemed like the perfect time.So I took these before & after pictures.
We worked until 10:30p & finished this morning. Check it out... I'm so excited about the result.
I really like that the tall bookshelf is on the same side as our pictures. It kind of bothered me that the tall bookshelf was in the middle of a wall where it was the only thing tall on that side of the room.
I also love love love that the window is no longer blocked by a desk & TV.
So there will be a few adjustments that will need to made. Payton will probably need to learn (& me as well) to not watch TV while she eats. I think it will be the hardest adjustment for me as far as having Payton entertained & slightly distracted while I feed her things that she wouldn't eat if she were fully aware.
I am hoping to paint soon, with Kristin's help. We are also getting our carpets cleaned soon so it's good that we moved furniture before that. Let me know what you think! I need to get some more artwork for over the TV. I think that I'm going to try to paint something. I'll post it if it turns out.
Time for a change!!!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Posted by Jenn at 10:34 AM 4 comments
Funny Necklace
Thursday, June 28, 2007
So I think I mentioned before on the Sunglasses post that sometimes we will put something on her & she will wear it for a long time. Well this was one of those times. I'm not even sure what the necklace is suppose to be but she enjoyed it.Payton throwing a ball, her new favorite thing to do. She will actually sit there with me & we will throw the ball back & forth.
Just as happy as can be with her funny necklace. And as it usually goes with her she hasn't worn it again since.
Posted by Jenn at 7:19 PM 0 comments
More Water Fun...
It's been pretty hot here lately so Payton has spent a lot of time playing with water. It was too hot out on our patio (it gets direct sunlight all day long!) & it was almost nap time so couldn't go up to grandma's house to play with the hose... so this was the next best thing, Dishwasher.She really got into it & loved it.
It was great because all I had to do was close the door & wipe a little water off of the floor.
If only everything is life were so much fun with a quick & easy clean up.
Posted by Jenn at 7:14 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
While Melissa, Tyler, Ryan & Casey were in town Melissa washed her car & the kids played in the water. What was nice was the while Ryan had the hose Payton didn't care. She didn't even want to touch it. If only that would hold true for all of their toys.Payton didn't come dressed to play but we made due (or is it 'do'?). I wasn't going to be the one to tell Payton she couldn't play in the water.
Her socks were so dirty by the end but oh well. They had fun & that's all that mattered.
This is the one puddle that the driveway creates & I remember playing in that puddle when I was younger. I'm so glad that they have so much fun together.
Ryan is so cute. Every time he comes to visit he has new words. The video below shows what Ryan calls Payton. His voice is so sweet when he says her name.
Posted by Jenn at 10:11 AM 1 comments
The Bud's Going Away Party.....
We went to a going away party for a couple in my parents ward. Donald had the camera, so that's why I'm in the pictures.It had been a long day & it took a lot towards the end to keep her happy.
There weren't a lot of people there so Payton had no problem in walking around. She has become really shy lately & I usually only see it if we are in a new place with a bunch of people that she doesn't know. She is fine at church but maybe that is because she feels comfortable there. It is all part of getting to know her personality.
Posted by Jenn at 10:02 AM 1 comments
Manager in Training...
Monday, June 25, 2007
While I was off showing an apartment Donald was watching Payton. She's become quite the little climber lately & Donald caught her at my desk. So cute! The notepad of paper is what I use all of the time & I guess from her watching me work she knows exactly what I need help with!She's making some notes (with the pen upside down).
In the last few days when I've been at the computer she will come up want to sit on my lap. What amazes me is that she doesn't pound on the keyboard or try to play with the mouse, she just sits there. Of course I take that as my sign that my baby needs me & then we go play.
And here is the example that she was following. I think that I sit here for too many hours a day... Someday I will get a day off & no longer have to manage!
Posted by Jenn at 2:59 PM 3 comments
Cool Kid!!!
This is still the day of the stake fair, I was waiting for the video at the bottom to upload & didn't get back to blogging until now. I can't believe how long she kept the glasses on for. She is like that with so many different things now.... It really shows her personality. Payton still enjoys the independence of being able to get her own drink.
Cracks me up!
Payton is also getting into balls. She will throw them to me & I will roll it back. She is getting really good. We have to be careful because every now & then she gets the right grip & lets go at the right time & Wow it can go pretty far.
Say Cheese!!!
And the video that held up this post. I think it's funny how towards the end Kristin's sneeze throws Payton off of her balance.
Posted by Jenn at 2:49 PM 1 comments
Stake Fair
Friday, June 22, 2007
A couple of weeks ago there was a Stake Fair & Payton had a good time. She was napping up at my mom's house & when she woke up Mom brought her down. She put these sunglasses on her & I couldn't believe how long she kept them on.Every other time we have put sunglasses on her she pulls them right off. I think that she is still waking up in these pics because she has no expression.
There's our happy girl! She walked over to see the blow-up jumpers & slides (6 in all) & decided that she wasn't interested.
Payton with Grandma getting loves!
They had a pony ride that Payton went on. I don't think that she knew what was coming.
This is the point that Payton realized that maybe she didn't want to be there.
What happened was the horse moved & Payton was ready to get off. She grabbed the back of Donald's shirt & held on for dear life.
This is after 1 full lap around.
And here's our brave little girl the 2nd time around. She looked so comfortable up there, or maybe she just decided to deal with it. Either way it only took 1 lap for her to get used to the ride & let go of her dad.
Go Cowgirl!!!
The horse had stopped & she was ready to get off again but first we had to take pictures. Payton can be so tolerant of her crazy parents sometimes.
They also had a little train that she seemed to enjoy.
We got her to smile only when we moved her arm up & down & said 'Choo-Choo'.
It was perfect we were there for about an hour & did all that we would have done if we had had more time.
Posted by Jenn at 9:09 AM 3 comments
A penny for your thoughts
Monday, June 18, 2007
This is Payton's favorite toy. All of the fisher price Laugh & Learn toys are so great! In the beginning of the year Payton had a developmental study to find out if she was doing the things that she should & we found that she needed to work on her container play (she had to let go of the item was the big part). So this toy was perfect. I don't know what I would do without toys!
Posted by Jenn at 8:24 AM 3 comments
A thrill seeker.........
Saturday, June 16, 2007
So Payton as you all know was born with major heart problems, but nobody ever told her that! From the very beginning when I bounced her it needed to be big bouncing to calm her! Her favorite thing to do was 'drop the baby'. Before CPS is called this wasn't until she was 7 or 8 months old, we aren't talking 'drop the baby' at 3 months old or anything like that! As soon as she could sit up she loved to throw herself back (& most of the time is was while she was on the bed). When she could stand we would stand her up in front of us & let her fall back (but we never let go of her hands at that point). Then she would stand in front of us & we would count, she would start to lean back & we would swipe her legs out from underneath her so she'd fall on her back. So now she does it all on her own!That is a face of someone who is having fun!
Even though Donald's hand is in the way you could still see part of her expression.
Donald was busy getting Payton ready for bedtime. From the other room I hear her giggling & this is what I find (an activity very conducive to preparing to go to sleep!).
Posted by Jenn at 11:52 AM 3 comments