Do you have a link to my blog on your site? I have a small request...

Friday, June 8, 2007

I want to start out by saying that I'm not paranoid but want to be safe as well. I can also be naive at times in thinking that everyone has honorable intentions. I set up this blog so that people that care about our family can check in on how things are going without receiving an email every time that I have something to share.

I do not want just anyone to be able to search & bring up this blog. Apparently adding a password to this blog means that everyone who views it would have to have an account, which is inconvenient & at this point do not think that is necessary. I've removed myself from Blogger's listings (Settings, then Basic, then select "no" where it says "add your blog to our listings"). At this point, the only way that someone can access my blog is if they have the exact URL or if they are surfing through someone else's blog that has a link to mine.

So having said that here is my request... IF you have a link to my blog on your blog will you please do one of the following (and I really do not want to offend anyone by requesting this!!!):

1. also remove your blog from Blogger's listings OR

2. remove the link to my blog from your blog all together.

If everyone's blogs are unlisted with Blogger, the only people that can access them are those that have been given the URL directly OR are surfing from our own personal network of GOOD blogs. Make sense? So, if you don't mind doing one of those two things, I would greatly appreciate it....also, if you would like me to remove your link from my blog, just let me know and I questions asked, no hurt feelings. It's just about being safe...we still love you guys!!

Thank you all!! I appreciate your understanding!!! (Yeah Janette I totally plagiarized!)

Pst... If this post has made you think about the accessibility of your own blog there are a few things that you can do to help... in your profile do not list your city & last name. If there are any other tips let me know so they can be shared. But just by taking your blog off the Blogger listings it will make it so that people cannot search by any of the personal info you have on your site.


Gary Church said...

No worries....thanks so much for your help!!

dana said...

Thanks for the tip. I followed the simple instructions :)

Anonymous said...

Our blog has a link to your blog, but ours isn't public/ no worries :)