Janette after reading your post I had to go on & try it out.
Below are the results....
I look like who?
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Posted by Jenn at 3:29 PM 0 comments
My Celebrity Look-alikes
My cool celebrity look-alike collage from MyHeritage.com. Get one for yourself.
Posted by Jenn at 3:29 PM 2 comments
My Celebrity Look-alikes
My cool celebrity look-alike collage from MyHeritage.com. Get one for yourself.
Posted by Jenn at 3:27 PM 1 comments
She would starve!!!!
Payton had her 15 month pediatrician appointment yesterday & at the end we go over developmental stuff & apparently she should be showing interest in or attempting to feed herself. As I discovered this afternoon if she were left to feed herself SHE WOULD STARVE!!! True yogurt may not be the easiest to eat but it's what she regularly has so I thought that would be a good way to start. She was more interested on playing with the spoon then putting anything on the spoon to bring to her mouth.I ended up feeding her all but 2 bites that I got her to do with me helping get the yogurt on the spoon. So this is definitely a work in progress.
Other news from the Dr. is that she is in the 50th percentile for height, head circumference & (drum roll please...) weight at 22.5 lbs. Considering that last time she was in the teens for everything but her head & that was 25. She sure isn't the petite little girl the Dr.'s prepped us for when she was born. Also I'm suppose to stop giving her a bottle to go to bed with... well at least I'm going to let her start to feed herself, mess & all. As for the bottle thing... not in the immediate plan. Plus I figure that every pediatrician is different so although I do tend to follow Dr.'s advice with Payton I think that I could handle a 'look' from the pediatrician at her 18 month check up when I tell her 'Yup we are still using the bottle.' There are worse things....
Posted by Jenn at 3:02 PM 3 comments
I vant to suck your bloaud!!!
Payton loves getting ready to go after her nap. I spray her hair with water & then curls galore. She just stares at herself as she sticks out her tounge, plays with her hair, etc. I love the fact that I got her teeth in this picture. I've tried so many times & here you go. Her two front teeth are finally coming in so I knew that I had to get this shot soon.
Posted by Jenn at 2:52 PM 1 comments
Jacuzzi Time
Saturday, March 24, 2007
My parents heated up the jacuzzi & we got in. Payton wasn't too sure of it in the picture below because it wasn't quite warm yet. It was still really cold but that didn't stop her from kicking & splashing.I just love her outfit. I bought it about 2 months ago because it was soo cute. I'm hoping that it will help protect her from the sun.
It took a while to get her used to being in there. The bubbes/warming jet were on so I think that she didn't like the turbulence that were in the water.
But everything was okay again once we brought out the bath toys. Once it seemed like a big bath she decided that it wasn't all that bad.
With a toy in each hand so was a happy girl.
Now if we could just get a 2 & 1 1/2 year old to share... Well at least they enjoyed the pool!
Posted by Jenn at 9:47 AM 1 comments
I'm not tired!
Today she tried to show me what a big girl that she was & not go to sleep for her morning nap. So I got her up, got her dressed & had lunch. The entire time she was up she was very mischievous. I turned on Sing-a-long Songs for her & it slowed her down for the opening song where the owl flies into the classroom. So I turned that down & eventually off because she wasn't watching it.
Here she is just cruising around going from getting in trouble here to getting in trouble there.
She did laps back & forth from a chair in the living room to our front door. She was walking everywhere.
This is her 'I'm not in trouble' face. I tell her no & all I get is a smile & sometimes a laugh. It drives me up the wall.
For someone that was so tired she sure tried her hardest to fake me out. I didn't catch on to it at first but when she just kept going from one place to another, passing up her toys for the blinds or TV equipment (like above) I knew she was only going to be more trouble until she finally gave in & took a nap.
I'm happy to report that she was only up for an hour! Maybe there is something to her 'fake out' routine... it sure did tire her out!
Posted by Jenn at 3:00 PM 1 comments
I learned something new today...
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Check out the video at the top of Payton playing in the sink post. Thanks Janette for passing along the how to email you got from Hilary. Thanks to you both.
Posted by Jenn at 9:21 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
If there is ever a box of anything without a lid on it Payton helps me by emptying whatever is in it. In this case it was videos.We pulled these out from our room because we had some fleas that tried to take up residence in our non-pet apartment. So I used flea powder & had to pull everything off of the carpet.
I have to admit that this wasn't the first time that she did this. She had done this the day before & I left it there because it entertained her for a while.
After this time I had to put them away because she would take them out & throw them behind her. She was being a little too rough with them so I had to take them away. This face below is the, 'Now that I know you are taking pictures I'm done playing'.
'Mom it's time for you to put that camera down & play with me.'
Posted by Jenn at 9:52 AM 1 comments
Playtime at the sink
She stayed up on the counter for almost 30 minutes.
She would fill up her cup & drink it. Most of the time she coughed & it went down the front of her. She loves playing with water. When she is in the bath & I need to turn on the faucet to warm up the water she will go & put her hand in the stream.
She was putting her foot under the faucet. We start swim lessons in 2 weeks & I think that she is going to have a lot of fun!
Posted by Jenn at 9:46 AM 2 comments
Leaf, the best toy
Friday, March 16, 2007
I took Payton with me to show an apartment & I let her take her time on the way back. She found a leaf & held onto it for about 20 minutes before I took this picture. I was surprised that she didn't try to put it in her mouth.She dropped it while she was drinking her water & realized it so she stopped to pick it up.
She decided that it would be fun to put it in her gum ball machine. This is one of her new favorite toys.
She would drop it in there & just look at it.
She tried to press a lever on the side that makes balls that are in there come out. It didn't work so she tried to get it out. She ended up needing help but I think that turned into a game too. I would take it out, hand it to her. She'd smile & drop it back in & then look up at me... Mommy it's your turn!
Posted by Jenn at 10:06 PM 1 comments
A face of joy!
We went to Kidspace with a friend of mine & her 2 kids. As you can see Payton had a lot of fun. Below she was at the top of a pyramid & was having so much fun. This place is really cool. The room that we were in was for under 3 years old. It was air conditioned & padded & Payton had a blast. I did have to walk around with her (actually she dragged me around by my finger) because she was really unsure about walking on the pads. I also think that she was a little uneasy because it was her first time.
Here she is climbing up the side. On one side there were bumps & opposite that was a steep angle, like a slide. Then on the other 2 sides were stairs. She climbed up & down for a long time.
Here she is with her friend Mia. They really make a cute group. Payton is fascinated with Mia & Eve (the baby on the floor in the upper right) was just watching Payton. And Mia told me that Payton was her best friend & she missed her when she didn't play with Payton for a few days. SO CUTE!!!
Inside a little play house. She started to venture out as the play date came to a close. She had so much fun.
I love taking her to new places. By the end she was a woman on a mission! She'd play in one area & then see another kids playing with something else & go join them. Going to a place like that would really help especially before nap time, that would definitely solidify a nice long nap!!! Maybe we will do a membership there next year when Payton is old enough to do more of the other stuff that they have there.
Posted by Jenn at 9:50 PM 1 comments
Walking everywhere!!!
Payton is walking everywhere. We went to the arboretum & fed the ducks. Now that she realizes that she can walk it is hard to keep her in her stroller. We always stop by the waterfall so that she can get out.This time we had more time to kill & stopped at a bench under a big tree.
It was nice to sit on the grass & have her try to walk away.
She didn't make it very far because the ground was so uneven that she would fall. She didn't like the feel of the grass on her hands but she got used to it.
It is so cute to see her huge smile as she is walking. You can really tell that she is proud of herself.
This was the first time that I have ever seen a peacock do this in person. I guess he was feeling frisky & wanted to mate with the hen in the bottom left of the picture. But she was more interested in our Ritz crackers. Poor guy! He got no love from this hen. What I didn't know was that while their tail feathers are up like this they vibrate them back & forth very quickly & it makes a humming/buzzing sound.
Whenever she sees a big bird, whether it is peacock or goose, she always turns back to me & smiles. I guess she wants to make sure that I see it too.
Posted by Jenn at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Cardboard... who knew?!?!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Payton hasn't been the happiest baby lately, but she's got an excuse. She has 3 molars that have all broke thru at the same time as well as her 2 front teeth. I am thrilled that she won't be a vampire anymore!! So GROUCHY is her middle name right now. She is always at my side, wants to be held or at the very least touching me. Just now I started Monsters Inc & she will usually stand against the couch or sit in the middle of the room but not today. She stood right next to me & leaned against my leg. I got up to answer the phone & sat down in a different spot & sure enough she came right over. I love the attention but it makes it hard to get anything done with her wanting to be right there with me.
So in an attempt to find some extra time I used a box to keep her busy & it worked like a charm. Who knew that a cardboard box would give me almost 35 minutes of time.
Posted by Jenn at 3:19 PM 1 comments
Our Christmas Texas Trip...
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Between Christmas & New Years we went to Texas & thought I would share some of those photos.
Payton met her Great Papaw Pete. That whole trip she was sooo wary of new people. It was a good trip, even though it kind of freaked her out being moved around so much.Is there any question as to who is the center of attention in this picture! It was so hard getting a picture with everyone looking & Payton with a good smile.
It took a while for her to warm up (we weren't there long enough for her to go to him) but at least she got to meet her Papaw. Donald's dad was so happy to finally meet Payton.
After we left Oklahoma we went to Prosper TX to meet up with the Church clan. Payton met her cousin Ryan (she has 2 cousins & they are both Ryans). I'm sure I'm posting way to many pictures but it was just so precious.
Hello cousin! How do you do?
Ryan is looking around.... is she suppose to be doing this?
It must have been a good game!!!
It took a lot of work but she finally warmed up to Grandpa Church.
You can't take her away.... She's mine. And as you can tell, he is very serious!
Posted by Jenn at 8:42 AM 1 comments