Looks can be deceiving...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Can you tell if this is a picture of a happy girl? If you guessed yes, you would be wrong. She was throwing a major tantrum in this picture. Her tantrums are now including yelling, Oh Joy! Even with all of the tantrums she is throwing she really has a sweet side to her. If I'm sitting on the floor or on the couch she will come up to me & give me a big hug! The cutest thing is when she is sitting on my lap at the computer & she will reach her arm over my shoulder & pat me on the back to get my attention. There are easier places to pat to get my attention but that is her place of choice right now. She is not satisfied until I look at her, if I don't she leans in my line of sight & looks me in the eye. If I continue to ignore her, while still patting me on the back, with the other hand she puts it on my check & turns my head. She will then tell me in the pure Adamic Language that I do not yet understand, to restart whatever video we are watching, her favorites are of family, Ryan & Casey, Mia & Josh & her other cousin Ryan. You guys are her favorite movie stars!