How to make a happy child sad... just take away water!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Payton loves the water, come to think of it every kid loves it. It has been hot lately (except it is now starting to cool off, finally!) & Payton was super tired & wouldn't leave me alone to make dinner. When Donald came home I had him take her out on the balcony for some water fun.It wasn't long before she was sitting in the water with her diaper on.
As long as she was leaving me alone to make dinner I didn't mind.
It cooled off pretty quickly that night so she didn't spend more than 15 minutes out there.
With Payton it doesn't matter how long she is doing something that she loves because as soon as it's time to stop she's not happy.
She cried all the way to the bathroom. Did you ever see a kid so unhappy about taking a bath?
She escaped from her dad & was back at the door crying again.
And you'd think that she'd be over it after her bath. NOPE!!!
She ended up spending more time crying over not being able to be in the water than she actually spent in the water. The whole reason that she went in the water was because she was so tired & she just confirmed how tired she really was.


Cindy said...

I love that she had so much fun in that little tub of water. She is so cute.