Labor Day

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Our labor day was spent at my parents house. We had my Uncle Gary & Aunt Carolyn come over from Arizona for a short visit.Payton spent some time swinging with Grandma. She loves to swing. "Look there's mom!"
This River Run toy that Ryan got for his birthday has been a great toy. The best part is that for now it has been at my mom's house & it is a perfect toy to be able to play with water without getting in the pool.

Payton & her favorite guy (not including her dad). Like I've said in the past, Payton will say words clear as day & then never say them again. 2 nights ago she walked up to my dad & said "Granddad". Granddad was so excited & I wish I would have heard it but all that matters is that he heard it.
This is such a sweet picture!


Dan and Hilary said...

Those are great pictures with Peyton and Uncle Roger. That is so sweet how much she loves her grandparents!!!

dana said...

Oh, that picture of Payton and your dad is too adorable. Really sweet.