
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Payton loves the bath time. She doesn't talk yet but she will attempt to say bubbles to get us to get the bubbles out. In this picture below there is a bubble on the top of her head.
Payton likes to eat the bubbles off of her hands & arms.
She is so full of personality that I can't wait till she decides to start talking. Yes I do think that she knows how to talk but she chooses not to... another manifestation of her personality. She has her 2 year check up in 2 weeks & the last time we were there her pediatrician said that she wanted to hear that Payton was saying at least 2 words together. So we aren't even close yet, she doesn't even say 1 word. She will probably send her to a specialist. The more help the better. I'm still convinced that when she finally does start talking she will be speaking in full sentences.