Cousins & Best Friends....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Payton & I drove out to Redlands last week (yes I'm way behind on blogging!) and we took the kids to the park (more pics to come later). On the way back from the park Ryan wanted to hold Payton's hand. As you can see he's holding on & she's allowing him.What I love is that they not only have fun together but they genuinely do like & enjoy each other. Payton will actually give Ryan a hunk back (Ryan Translation... hunk = hug, so cute!). They actually fell the other day while hugging.
I let them go & they led each other off the path & down a grassy hill. I'm not sure who was leading who but it was hilarious!
If one of them had smile then I'd know who was leading but I think they were just walking. Such innocent facial expressions.
As they were going down the steep part Payton fell.
They are so cute & entertaining. Before they didn't use to care if the other one was there or not but now they really like each other. I know this probably isn't as sweet to you as it is to me but oh it just so heart warming.


Gary Church said...

It truely is wonderful when cousins are such good friends ... you don't have to even really worry much about scheduling get togethers ... or small talk with moms that you don't know well. I'm glad Payton has a cousin to be best buds with!!